Sedgwick Club Logo

All content © The Sedgwick Club 1880 – 2023.


The Sedgwick Club is the official student Earth Sciences society at the University of Cambridge. Having been founded in 1880 in memory of Adam Sedgwick, it is the oldest student-run geological society in the world. It aims to promote the subject of geology among its members through regular talks and social events. This site contains information about activities organised by the Club.

Social media

Thin Section

Check out our latest edit of Thin Section here or look below !

Joining the Club

Membership gets you free entry to all our talks (including free refreshments and snacks!) and exclusive access to Sedgwick Club social events (dinners, board game evenings, nights out, and more). It also means you can come on the highlight of our social calendar, the Magical Mystery Tour weekend away in January.

Current membership fees are:
£10 for one year
£15 for life

You can upgrade your membership at any time by paying the difference.

To sign up for membership, fill out this form and pay via bank transfer. Please note you MUST be a member of the University of Cambridge to sign up.

By joining the Club you will be added to our mailing list, through which you will be kept updated. You will also get access to an online version of Thin Section, our newsletter.

Contact the committee for more info, and follow us on Instagram and join our Facebook Group to keep up to date with events.

Our constitution can be found here.